Chocolate News Articles
Tailor made news articles to send out to an advertising agencies clients, a major one being Godiva Chocolate.
Let’s ‘bring the Country together’ with new Trump shaped gummies by IT’SUGAR. Confectionary News, 17.08.2017
Justin Clinger, the director of product design and marketing has recently launched the new orange flavoured Trump gummies by IT’SUGAR. The gummy itself has been produced with a 3D printer, making it the company’s first confectionary produced with this kind of technology.
Clinger has mentioned how IT’SUGAR is using this gummy to build on the issue of division within the country by making it the new sweet that will “bring the country together, and hopefully give everyone a little laugh”. The cover of the gummy pack has the slogan, “make America sweet again”, which furthers the “laugh” aspect of the product, but also the idea regarding the intention of unity within the country through this sweet.
Prior to the production of Trump gummies, IT’SUGAR had created both Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump candy corns and pumpkin candies for the Halloween season. The range was created before the US Presidential election last year in 2016 and was titled, “one scary election”. IT’SUGAR can now be credited with having two different ranges of politically focused gummies, making way for a potential third.
Do you speak English? No, I speak Emoji.
The up and coming power of Emoji
The battle of the stories: Facebook vs. Snapchat. Social Media Today, 08, 05, 2017.
Back in October 2013, Snapchat launched the new stories feature, which allows users to post photos and videos onto a story that their snap contacts can watch within a 24 hour period after the post has been published. Three years later, Mark Zuckerberg, The CEO of Facebook offered to buy snapchat for $3 Billion, but was declined. This was then a turning point in the world of social media, as it sparked a battle between the two social networks for years to come. Later in August 2016, Facebook-owned Instagram also came out with stories. Within three months of the launch, Instagram had also created the live streaming function, which then helped push the amount of daily users beyond that of Snapchat by April 2017. The battle intensified when Facebook also launched the stories feature for Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp.
This battle would sometimes trigger people to choose sides, however there were others who wouldn’t really care about which social platform was “better”. These stories became something that added personality to each network because there was now this added sense of human touch. It can be considered very valuable to have a strong feature like this within these social media platforms, because it helps connects the personalities of people everywhere. Both Snapchat and Facebook have fought to make this happen, which also keeps the grounds open for further rapid media development.
In the world of today, emoji has taken over our social media networks by being an extremely expressive language, but also a language that only uses symbols. Originating from Japanese phones in the late 1990s, emoji is now a language used all over the world. In 2015, the word, emoji won the Oxford Dictionary word of the year becoming an aspect that was something even more recognised by a wider range of generations. It also spread rapidly with Apple’s adoption of this emoji keyboard on iPhone and iPad.
Some linguists say that the growth of emoji could lead to competition with the English language in terms of usage globally. Emoji is expressive and visual, making it a form of communication that can be universally understood, providing explanation for this potential competition. It also has the power to disambiguate a statement because it is able to avoid incorrect interpretation of tone that text very often creates. Linguists also explain how communication and language is “multi-modal”, which actually makes emoji very important in expressing our thoughts online. Plain texts cannot demonstrate hand gestures or facial expressions the same way as talking face to face does, making emoji a medium that is able to fill that gap.

'Rent' as a social reality check
‘Rent’ is a rock musical set in 1989, written by Jonathan Larson and tells the story of six characters living in Bohemian New York during the AIDS crisis. Each character has a relationship with AIDS - whether they themselves have the disease or if its someone close to them. The musical is a powerful portrayal of AIDS and gives a greater sense of reality as to what it actually meant to be living with something like that. This reality was often neglected. When AIDS was first introduced in the early 1980s, it was labelled the ‘gay disease’ or the ‘gay plague’ as it was seen to only impact homosexual men; an already stigmatised community.
Larson tries to remove stigmas that surrounded queer people during the AIDS epidemic and worked to do this by showing queers and heterosexuals being part of the same community. To show that queer people were not isolated by everyone in society, they felt pain and love just the same as they stereotyped ‘normal heterosexual people’ did. ‘La Vie Boheme’ ends the first act and emphasises this theme of community as it is a song of friendship and empowerment. One of the lines, “actual reality, act up, fight AIDS!”, creates a force of strength in battling AIDS together. All the characters join in this song, both queer and heterosexual and it is a moment where sexuality does not matter, friendship is friendship.
On top of this, Larson features not only queer couples but straight ones too to highlight this sense of community and support during the time. Roger and Mimi are the only heterosexual couple in the show and both contracted AIDS though the use of heroin. The beautiful duet they sing to each other, ‘Without You’, provides deep insight into the pain and fear of losing someone you love to the disease and works to show that drug users were also sufferers of AIDS. This song comes later on in the show to allow the audience to understand the two characters better and remove the label of drug users as ‘wasters’ because you grow to like these characters. Drug users were also a stigmatised community, and suffered just the same and Larson uses Mimi and Roger’s story to bring light to this. AIDS affected so many different of groups of people and was not just a gay disease.
What ‘Rent’ also does very well is break assumptions regarding queer identities. Tom Collins is a gay African-American man, which draws attention to an even greater minority in the queer world. It sheds light onto a racial group that was often ignored during the crisis and the expectation of hyper-masculinity in black communities. Collins however is not the typical ‘camp’ ga y man, nor is he the alpha black male demonstrating how not every gay or African-American man had to exist with such labels. Maureen is another character that breaks assumed queer identities. She demonstrates female promiscuity and is an empowered and confident bisexual woman, working to create a space in which women could feel sexually too and were allowed to show this regardless of sexuality.
Works Cited
Sontag, S. (2001[1964]) ‘Notes on “Camp”’, in Sontag, Against Interpretation. London: Vintage, pp.275-292.
Treichler, Paula A.(1987) 'AIDS, homophobia and biomedical discourse: An epidemic of signification', Cultural Studies, 1: 3, 263 — 305
Winship, Faith Leigh. 2018. "“Actual Reality — ACT UP — Fight AIDS”". Medium. https://medium.com/silence-death-2-0/actual-reality-act-up-fight-aids-9a2ce17200eb.